We're Def. Not in South Carolina Anymore...

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I feel comfortable saying that California is NOT the South. Its a true fact of life, like dogs don't like cats, or rain is wet, or Lindsay Lohan is crazy.

Last week (and at the time of posting, I now mean back at the beginning of April) I was an intern at the Western Region Greek Leadership Conference/National Cultural Greek Leadership conference out in San Francisco. For those of you loyal readers (which is apparently none, seeing as I just discovered a View Counter that is at 14 views....since August. I didn't cry....much) I posted some short daily updates on Twitter. Basically I wanted to be a celebrity who feels they need to share everything from their status in the coffee line to their pooping schedule. No one really cares.....except when it comes to me, of course. But let me give you a quick lil rundown of the week.


Arrive to San Fran at 2:30 pm. Receive my first "Where are YOU from?" at 2:37pm. Dinner with the entire conference staff at some place that I forget the name to...still a great place though. I am interning with people from Montana State University, University of Denver, University of California, Stanisglaus, University of San Francisco, and University of Oregon (Chi Omega). We are in meetings til midnight being trained on the week ahead...and let me tell you the time change was rough to work through...basically it was 3am "my" time. Yay bedtime.


Moreeeeee training. A day full of learning the ins and outs of how those westerners do things in their neck of the woods. I recieve my 14th comment regarding the apparent "accent" that I have. It is Wednesday when I realize the other interns are pretty bangin.


First day of conference stuff. 800 students and advisors start flooding into the luxurious Hyatt-Regency in Burlingame (San Fran). I am the all-helpful greeter for the flock of students/advisors entering the Greekified conference. Looking back, however, this may not have been the best job suited for me.


J: Hey! How are y'all doing. Are y'all here for the Western Region Greek Conference?

Students from school in Oregon: (long pause)........um....what?

The "accent" apparently got in the way. Thursday...like Friday and Saturday...was a great day, but extremely long. It was normal to attend a Conference staff meeting at 6:30am and be finished with our last assignement at midnight-ish. I spent my days setting up educational session rooms, assisting speakers, herding cattle (I mean students), tearing down educational session rooms, introducing speakers...and having a grand ole time. I met a lot of great people though. So the experience was a great one. The 5 other interns were awesome to work with- and I have been able to stay in contact with a few of them over the past several weeks. California is NOT the South....but it was still a pretty darn good time.