No, this building is not your toilet...

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As you know, I am the hall director for a 480-bed freshman residence hall. I take great pride in the fact that my building, consisting of a 70% male population, consistently wins the award for most alcohol and policy violations. We have become total BFF with the university's judicial office. Anywho, my latest story can be found below:

While in class, soaking up all of the benefits of education and the legal system as it relates to higher ed, rocking on the edge of my seat in angst of what the teacher had to teach me next, I received a text from my supervisor that read like so:

"Oh, remind me to tell you about "pee boy" coming to look for us in the office to talk to us."

Your first question must be, "Oh, you have an office?" Why yes I do, is my answer. I have my very own office with a floor to ceiling window. Your second question may revolve around the fact that the term "pee boy" was used to describe a resident who came searching for me while I was out.

You may be wondering how I could work with a student that has such a nickname (given by us of course) and how sad it must be that this 18/19-year-old has a urinary problem (no, it is not a bed wetting problem, so don't feel sorry for him). This is where it gets sad. I quickly replied after chuckling to myself:

"Which one?"

You read that correctly. I had to ask...because we have more than one. For some unexplainable reason, it is easy for some students to mistake the building's lobby or their roommate's side of the room for a white, shiny toilet bowl. Oh, the joys of working in housing...

The End of the Beginning...

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Please wipe the tears from your eyes so you can read my first post in quite some time, as I apparently decided I needed a hiatus from this award winning piece of work (I gave it my own award). With 106 days left until I graduate from the University of South Carolina, I have decided I need to pick my bloggyness back up, because let me tell you, my job has definitely provided me a bevy (thank you grad school vocab) of stories that I need to record. You will be welcomed back into my life of grad

My final semester will be a hectic one. My supervisor has been promoted, leaving me to run my lil nugget of a building and all the 480 lil freshies on my own. I also have a great opportunity to work with the Greek Life office again this semester and also work with the Leadership office. I am thrilled about my new involvement...if only that little class thing wouldn't get in the way!

This semester also brings the program's Comps, everyone's favorite part of year (sorry, let me grab a rag to clean up those drips of sarcasm). February 19th will be the day that decides if I actually graduate the program with a fun comprehensive exam. Study groups have been formed. Flash cards have been made. Hairs have already been pulled from scalps. Team names have been decided. But most importantly: the group t-shirt is still underway. My team has chosen to keep our team name and t-shirt under wraps until Feb adds a sense of mystery and curiosity, right?

Someone told me that I finally have to find a grown up job for when I graduate. So I guess I will be searching high and low for that...since la madre (keep up, I am obvi bi-lingual and that was Spanish for mother) has already informed me I will not be bumming on their couch because McDonald's is always hiring. Tough crowd. I will mainly be searching for jobs in the areas of fraternity/sorority affairs and first-year experience/new student orientation...the south, the west, the options are pretty open!