...And a new year!
Spring Semester 2009 begins tomorrow (Monday). Excitement overcomes me (ok shoot me. Im halfway lying). Aside from still working in the Resident Student Learning office, I have also registered for four classes which I'm keeping my fingers crossed will be more enthralling than last semesters' (which were the equivalent to watching the History Channel). It is hard to believe I am already starting the second semester of my graduate career, which at the end, will mark my half completion of the program. This semester will also include a few exciting events. Ill give you a rundown of them, I know you're giddy with excitement to find out:
1. Summer Internship Search: Many students within the program search for a Summer Internship. One popular avenue of choice is NODA (which deals with Orientation programs). Today is the final day to submit resumes and applications. From here, I wait for my 8 schools of choice to receive my info...and then I wait. My list of choices included Florida State, Alabama, Florida, Ole Miss, Texas A & M, Georgia Southern, Tennessee, and Auburn. Though I am nervous, I am also excited to undergo the entire process.
2. GARP (Graduate Assistant Recruitment Program): It is the recruitment program for potential graduate students. I am ready to meet the new peeps and see how the whole process works, since I was unable to attend mine last year (I was in Hawaii...I know a horrible excuse!).
3. SEIFC (South Eastern Interfraternity Conference): Over the holiday break, I submitted a proposal to present at this conference which is attended my fraternity councils across the south east..and found out last week it was accepted! This will be my first time to conduct a presentation at a regional conference!
4. ACPA (American College Professionals Association): Many of the students within my program will be traveling to attend this conference in Washington DC in March. It will be a great trip...especially in DC yo!
5. Graduate Assistantship: I also will be interviewing within the next month for a different assistantship for the 2009-2010 academic year. I am thinking about taking a Housing live-in position, but am open to other opportunities, depending on what spots will be open for next year. Due to the greatness of the economy and budget cuts, there have already been GA positions eliminated next year...which is scary.
Well, those are a few things I'm looking forward to. BUT, let's take a second to recap last week. It was training for Resident Assistants and I was responsible for creating the video for Resident Mentor (RA) Recruitment. I decided to do a little YouTube spoofin, and the product is the hilarity of this video. Enjoy! (make sure to watch the out takes!)
Click HERE to see the vid if you are on an Apple or have Quicktime. Quality is 100 times better