Posted by Josh | Posted on 5.13.2010
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As you may know (if you don't, then you don't know me. In that case, why are you being a creeper and reading my blog?), I have a special appreciation for the bow-tie. It is classic; it is timeless; it says "Hey! Look at me, I am dressed up but you can tell I am fun because I am wearing a bow-tie." I have only recently picked up this appreciation during the past several years...before I was plagued with the thought that only those men who I considered "female hygiene products" wore bow-ties. Oh, how wrong I was. Yes, it may be more popular in the South, but everyone should adopt our ultra cool ways and learn how to tie that little piece of timeless-ness around your neck.
THIS is how I learned to tie a bow-tie. I AM a Millennial, aren't I?
An article titled "Resurrection of the Bow Tie" that was sent by a friend today (and inspired my bow-tie tribute post)...and it is in the New York you know it is legit.
Finally, my Student Affairs and College Administration aspirations have furthered simply because of my bow-tie affection. HERE is an article from The Chronicle talking about college presidents who wear bow ties...and another ONE.